
The Horsepower System™ is a fabulous tool to track and improve employee engagement. Every company should monitor the horsepower of its motivational engine, and this tool makes it easy. Here are some resources to help you understand the power of this versatile tool.
The Horsepower System™, by the way, is based on BOTH "Primal Management" and the four-drive model of employee motivation developed by Nitin Nohria, the dean of the Harvard Business School and Paul Lawrence, an organizational behavior pioneer. The four-drive model is described in this Harvard Business Review article.
- Horsepower™ Benefits in a Language You Can Understand: It is important to explain things in a way your audience understands. Here is how we explain the benefits of The Horsepower System™ in 9 business "languages;" CEO-Speak, CFO-Speak, HR-Speak, etc.
- Customer List: The Horsepower System™ is designed for companies, like these, that truly care about their people.
- Horsepower™ Process Outline: If you are serious about improving workplace motivation and performance, here is a document that explains, in detail, what a Horsepower™ implementation looks like.
- Video Describing the Science Behind The Horsepower System:™: This video shows Paul Herr describing the cutting-edge science behind The Horsepower System.™
- Horsepower™ Success Stories: Here is a whitepaper describing some Horsepower System™ success stories from the auto industry.
- Horsepower™ Flyer: The Horsepower System™ flyer gives a short and sweet summary of this powerful motivation-managment tool.
- Creative Ways to User the Horsepower System™: Here are eleven creative ways our customers use the Horsepower System™ to solve business problems and improve financial performance.
- Survey Website Tutorial: The survey process is described in this short PowerPoint presentation. Take the survey website demo AFTER watching the tutorial.ÂÂÂÂÂ
- Survey Website Demo: You can test-drive the seven-question Horsepower™ Pulse Survey™ by clicking HERE. You will need to move the slider above each survey question to express how you feel.
- Tutorial for Learning the Features of the Reporting Website: This narrated tutorial describes how to get the most from The Horsepower Survey's™ full-featured data reporting website. Note: Please turn on your computer's speakers so you can listen to the narration. Take the reporting website demo AFTER watching the tutorial.
- Reporting Website Demo: This demo allows managers to explore the actual reporting website where they can go to view their survey results, analyze the data, view employee comments, and find leadership-development resources for improving their scores. Please use the word "guest" for both the username and password.
- Tutorial for Accessing the Leadership-Development Resources on the Reporting Website: This narrated tutorial describes how to access the onboard leadership-development resources for improving employee engagement.ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ We call these resources "Tune-Up Tips"®
- Case Studies: Companies populated with motivated employees enjoy many benefits as described in these six short case studies.
- Paul Describing The Theory Behind the Tool: David Knox interviewed Paul about the Harvard four-drive model in this two-part interview: Part 1 and Part 2.
- Book Chapters Describing the Horsepower Survey™ and the Theory Behind It: This software tool is described in Paul Herr's book, "Primal Management: Unraveling the secrets of human nature to drive high performance." This book is like a "user guide" for the tool. Chapter 1 describes the theory behind the software and Chapter 2 describes the tool itself.
Call Us at 608-576-7616: We'd love to learn more about your organization and how we can help you create a culture of performance that wins in the marketplace.