Primal Management

Review in the Journal of Personnel Psychology:
"The book is clearly written, strongly and convincingly argued, insightful, provocative, stimulating, and interesting to read."
Here is a screen shot of The Horsepower System's™ leadership dashboard. It gives every manager a quick diagnostic readout of the current survey scores for their department. They can tell, at a glance, if the motivational engine is functioning optimally, or malfunctioning.
Motivation is the master metric that drives everything else. It therefore deserves a prominent position front-and-center on an organization's management dashboard.
Paul's Blog
Are decisions really 80% emotional? |
As some of you know, I'm a graduate of the University of Chicago, a very rational place where, according to legend, "Fun goes to die." I expect to be tarred and feathered at the next U of C management conference for this provocative and contrarian post.
Advertisers, like Kevin Roberts, CEO of Saatchi and Saatchi, claim that the buying decision is 80% emotional and 20% rational. According to Roberts, "Reason leads to conclusions. Emotion leads to action." What about other decisions, like the decision on the part of our employees to work hard? Is this also 80% emotional? What is going on here? If emotions are so important in decision making, why was the word never uttered in any of my econ classes?
Read more... |
Boost Employee Engagement by Treating Employees More Like Customers |
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If you'd like to implement an employee engagement program, but don't know where to start, try the internal-marketing approach. After all, employee engagement is a new and rather murky concept that is hard to articulate. You will get much further if you simply discuss it in a language that managers and executives already understand and respect; "marketing-speak." Your employee-engagement initiative will be re-cast as an "internal marketing" ititiative directed at your "internal customers," your employees. The goal of this program is to create a positive "employer brand" that will help your company become an employer-of-choice in your community and win "Best Place to Work" contests. Here is an article I wrote that elaborates on the internal-marketing theme: |